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Conferences & Round Tables

“75 Years of the Atomic Project: A Historian's Perspective”. Scientific session of the General Meeting of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences December 7, 2020 (in Russian)

Kozlov Vladimir Petrovich (Russian State University for the Humanities) Speech at the Scientific Session of the General Meeting of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. December 7, 2020 (in Russian)

Poberezhnikov Igor' Vasil'yevich (Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the RAS), Mel'nikova Natal'ya Viktorovna (Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the RAS) Everyday life of closed nuclear cities of the USSR (in Russian)

Artemov Evgeny Timofeevich (Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the RAS) Soviet nuclear project in the coordinates of the “command economy” (in Russian)

Gigolaev German Efimovich (Institute of World History of the RAS) Speech at the Scientific Session of the General Meeting of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences “75 years of the atomic project: a historian's perspective” December 7, 2020 (in Russian)

Malkov Viktor Leonidovich (Institute of World History of the RAS) The atomic problem in inter-allied relations (in Russian)

Mukhin Mikhail Yurievich (Russian State University for the Humanities) Soviet nuclear power plants in the post-Soviet space (in Russian)

Baturin Yuri Mikhailovich (S.I. Vavilov Institute of the History of Natural Science and Technology of the RAS) The history of the consolidation of participants in the future nuclear project (in Russian)

”To the 200th anniversary of the birth of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences”. Meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on October 26, 2021

Bagno Vsevolod Yevgen'yevich (Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskiy Dom), RAS), Tarasova Natal'ya Aleksandrovna (Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskiy Dom), RAS) Vtoroye akademicheskoye sobraniye sochineniy F.M. Dostoyevskogo v Pushkinskom dome (k 200-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya pisatelya)

Polonskiy Vadim Vladimirovich (A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the RAS) Dostoyevskiy v otrazhenii Zapada

Volgin Igor' Leonidovich (Lomonosov Moscow State University) Dostoyevskiy v natsional'nom soznanii
«Homines novi», novye sotsialnye gruppy v zhizni obshchestva: praktiki adaptatsii», International scientific conference, IWH RAS, November 10-11, 2021 (Ru)
"Medieval & Early Modern Studies in Russia" Nationwide Scientific Conference, June 27–29, 2022, Moscow,
Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ru, En)
"La politica della Santa Sede nella seconda guerra mondiale". Il Colloquio Internazionale, 20 ottobre 2021
Il Centro per lo studio della storia della religione e della Chiesa dell'Istituto di storia mondiale dell'Accademia Russa delle scienze, insieme alla Società Storica Russa e al Pontificio comitato di scienze storiche
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН
Beglov Alexiey, Fadeyev Ivan (Istituto di Storia Mondiale dell’Accademia Russa delle Scienze) La svolta nella politica sovietica religiosa negli Anni Quaranta nella corrispondenza dei rappresentanti del Vaticano in Russia
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Chenaux Philippe (Pontificia Università Lateranense – Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche) Il rifiuto della crociata. Pio XII, il comunismo e la Russia sovietica (1939–1945)
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Dommarco Maria Chiara (Mosca) Un compito eccezionale e rischioso. Il governo bolscevico e la missione della Santa Sede al tempo della carestia degli anni Venti. Mosca: Seriate, 2020. Book Presentation
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Freeze Gregory (Brandeis University, Waltham, USA), Tokareva Eugenia (Istituto di Storia Mondiale dell’Accademia Russa delle Scienze), Zhdanova Ekaterina (Università statale Lomonosov di Mosca) I principali orientamenti della storiografia della posizione vaticana nella Seconda Guerra mondiale
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Grignani Mario (Pontificia Università Urbaniana) Le Relazioni sullo stato delle Nazioni nel 1939 presentato al nuovo papa Pio XII. Questioni aperte
YouTube Channel нал ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Hrabovec Emilia (Università «Comenius» di Bratislava – Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche) La Santa Sede, il governo in esilio di Edvard Beneš e il rinnovamento della Cecoslovacchia nel contesto della formazione del blocco sovietico nell’Europa centroorientale
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Ickx Johan (Archivio Storico della IIa Sezione-Rapporti con gli Stati della Segreteria di Stato) Spia o informatore? Il caso di Mons. Antonio Kwiatkowski
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

"La politica della Santa Sede nella seconda guerra mondiale". Il Colloquio Internazionale, 20 ottobre 2021, il Centro per lo studio della storia della religione e della Chiesa dell'Istituto di storia mondiale dell'Accademia Russa delle scienze, insieme alla Società Storica Russa e al Pontificio comitato di scienze storiche.
Saluti. Accademico Alexander Chubarian (Direttore Scientifico dell’Istituto di Storia Mondiale, Accademia Russa delle Scienze), Bernard Ardura (Presidente del Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche)
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Tokareva Evgenia (Istituto di Storia Mondiale dell’Accademia Russa delle Scienze) I cappellani militari cattolici sul territorio russo
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Vishivanuk Anna (Istituto di Storia Mondiale dell’Accademia Russa delle Scienze), Shebalin Dimitry (Istituto di Cultura e Lingua Russa di Roma) Lo stato dei Greco-cattolici nei territori occupati nel Sud della Russia
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Zhdanova Ekaterina (Università statale Lomonosov di Mosca) L’aiuto del Vaticano ai prigionieri militari sovietici durante e dopo la Seconda Guerra mondiale
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН
"Sol invictus - 4. Воображаемое путешествие от древности и до наших дней / Sol invictus. A Colloquium Fourth Meeting 27 March 2021 Imaginary Journey from Antiquity to the Present". International Colloquium of the Department of the Middle Ages of the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University. March 27, 2021 Colloquium channel, 8 videos. URL: (in Russian)
Tronsky Conference. Joseph M. Tronsky Memorial Annual International Conference «Indo-European Comparative Linguistics and Classical Philology», Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Youtube channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Website of the XXIV conference June 22–24, 2020:
Website of the XXV conference June 21–23, 2021 (with links to videos of individual scientific reports):
Published materials of the previous conferences:
«Agressiya demonov i gnev svyatykh: zhesty i orudiya protivostoyaniya». Round table, IWH RAS, November 7, 2018. Round table playlist, 5 videos (Ru)
«Anatomiya vlasti». Round table. Centre for Medieval Studies. HSE University, Moscow; IWH RAS; Lomonosov State University. May 14, 2021, 2 videos
 «Arapovskie chteniya». The Third International Scientific Conference, in memory of Dmitry Yuryevich Arapov, Professor of Moscow State University (1943–2015). IWH RAS, December 17, 2021, 2 videos
Arapovskie chteniya. Part 1

Andrej Omelchenko (Russia) 42:00
Dzhamaliddin Mirzaakhmedov (Uzbekistan), Ruslan Tojirov (Uzbekistan) Srednevekovyj Pajkend (po materialam arkheologicheskikh raskopok Bukharskoj ekspeditsii)
Emma Zilivinskaya (Russia) Mecheti v Krymskom khanstve 11:50
Ilya Zajtsev (Russia) Epigrafika Moshaika (Astrakhan) 1:08:52
Igor Alekseev (Russia) Epistolyarnye romany I. Gasprinskogo kak pamyatnik islamskoj modernistskoj mysli v Rossii 1:43:07
Dilyara Usmanova (Russia) Evropejskie puteshestviya Fatykha Karimi i Sadri Maksudi: sravnitelnaya kharakteristika dvukh musulmanskikh travelogov 2:21:30
Margarita Zakirova (IWH RAS) Oznakomitelnye poezdki uchashchikhsya russko-tuzemnykh shkol Turkestana po Evropejskoj chasti Rossii kak faktor imperskoj politiki v nachale XX v. (po dokumentam GART) 3:32:08
Oksana Pugovkina (Uzbekistan) Fevralskaya revolyutsiya 1917 g. v Turkestane: kak novaya vlast izbavlyalas ot imperskogo naslediya 4:12:35
Bakhtiyar Babadzhanov (Uzbekistan) «Territoriya islama» (dar al-islam) posle padeniya Belogo tsarya. Politicheskie doktriny musulmanskikh reformatorov v epokhu russkikh revolyutsij 1917 g. 4:38:04
Yuliya Zajtseva (Russia) Novye arkhivnye dokumenty o sozdanii Soveta internatsionalnoj propagandy v Turkestane v 1919 g. 5:01:06
Yurij Tikhonov (Russia) Vklad F.F. Raskolnikova v razvitie sovetsko-afganskikh otnoshenij 1920-kh gg. (analiz doklada «O pravovom polozhenii ostrova Urta-Tugaj») 5:21:51
Anton Ikhsanov (Russia) Turkmenskie studenty Leningradskogo vostochnogo instituta: shtrikhi k portretam 5:41:45
Arapovskie chteniya. Part 2

Anton Ikhsanov (Russia) Turkmenskie studenty Leningradskogo vostochnogo instituta: shtrikhi k portretam. - Diskussiya. 0:00:00
Ojbek Makhmudov (Uzbekistan) Pandzhabajskoe dvizhenie na Pamire v seredine 20-kh nachale 30-kh gg. XX v. (neskolko neizvestnykh dokumentov o reformatsii v pamirskom ismailizme) 0:16:16
Vladimir Bobrovnikov (Russia) Iz istorii odnogo religioznogo koshchunstva 1966–1967 gg.: Kak upolnomochennyj SDR Sharif Shirinbaev pytalsya zapretit povest Fazliddina Mukhammadieva «Dar on dunyo (Қissai ҳaӌӌi akbar)» 0:40:20
Marat Safarov (Russia) Kontakty musulmanskikh religioznykh deyatelej SSSR s ierarkhami Antiokhijskoj pravoslavnoj tserkvi v 1950-60-e gg. (po arkhivnym materialam Soveta po delam religij) 1:15:12
Blagochestivoye puteshestviye: palomnichestvo po svyatym mestam v sredniye veka i novoye vremya”. Annual conference of the almanac “Odysseus: Man in history”, May 31 - June 1, 2023, IWH RAS (Ru)
«Bozhestvennoe chudo v literaturnoj traditsii i povsednevnoj praktike: Zapad/Vostok», Nationwide scientific conference, IWH RAS, June 6–7, 2018. Two playlists, 8 and 5 videos (Ru)
Annual Scientific Readings of the Department of Classics, Faculty of Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University
“Greco-Latin linguoculturology (UMO)” Educational and methodological association in classical philology. International scientific conferences, 2019-2023 (Ru)
“Witness of the century: To the 100th anniversary of Aza Alibekovna Takho-Godi”. International scientific conference, (Moscow, 2022) (Ru)
Scientific readings for the 90th anniversary of the rebuilding of the department of Classics, St. Petersburg State University, 2022 (Ru)
VII International Scientific Conference in Hellenistics in memory of I. I. Kovaleva, Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 2023(Ru)
Public lectures. Department of Classics, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Ru, En, De)

Sytin Andrey Kirillovich (Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) Ot Kunstkamery k travopoznaniyu. Razvitiye botaniki v Rossii v pervoy polovine XVIII veka. May 19, 2023 (Ru)

Prof. Ioannis Petropoulos ( Open lectures from the Erasmus+ course, April 12, 2023:
0:00 Select topics in Homer and Hesiod with particular reference to the literary treatment of monsters and the ‘uncanny’ (‘Be my guest’: Monsters and more)
1:34:17 Plutarch’s paedagogical treatise How the young man should study poetry (Plutarch & St Basil the Great on the study of literature)

Prof. Richard Coates (University of the West of England, Bristol) Place-names in Roman Britain
The lecture took place on September 18, 2019 at Lomonosov Moscow State University (Department of Classics, Faculty of Philology)

Prof. David Langlsow (The University of Manchester) Znacheniye metaforicheskogo yazyka dlya leksikografii i sotsiokul'turnoy istorii na primere latinskoy meditsinskoy terminologii imperatorskoy epokhi. March 13, 2019 (Ru, En)

Prof. Antonis Tsakmakis (University of Cyprus) The Hellenica Oxyrhynchia: philological and historical problems

Prof. Lebedev Andrey Valentinovich (IF RAN, University of Crete) Proemiy Parmenida i obraz kolesnitsy dushi v dialoge «Fedr» Platona. November 1, 2017

Prof. Heinz-Günther Nesselrath (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) Autopsie oder Fiktion? Herodot und sein Sehen. Vortrag an der Moskauer Universität den 19. April 2013 (De / Ru)

Dr, Balbina Bäbler (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) Herodot im Land der Skythen. Vortrag an der Moskauer Universität den 19. April 2013 (De / Ru)
"Vizantiya i drevnyaya Rus: novye dannye i novye podkhody", Colloquium, June 16, 2021, Centre for Medieval Studies. HSE University, Moscow
Colloquium playlist, 1 video. URL:
0:00:00 Vstupitelnoe slovo Andreya Vinogradova (HSE University)
0:03:59 Sergej Ivanov (HSE University) Grecheskie tsitaty v letopisi kak problema
0:45:28 Andrej Vinogradov (HSE University) i svyashch. Mikhail Zheltov (MPDA - Moscow Theological Academy) Konstantinopol v proektakh Andreya Bogolyubskogo
01:23:42 Dmitrij Kosourov (HSE University) K voprosu o sluzhbe i proiskhozhdenii vojska varangov «Letopisi KartlI» (Kartlis Tskhovreba)
01:51:52 Petr Stefanovich (HSE University) Kievskij mitropolit Nikifor (1104–1121): vizantijskie politicheskie idei na drevnerusskoj pochve
02:34:59 Aleksej Barmin (IWH RAS) «Povest poleznaya o latinakh» — problema proiskhozhdeniya i datirovki
03:03:54 Nikolaj Belov (HSE University) Znachenie slavyanskogo perevoda dlya rekonstruktsii teksta «Zhitiya Nikolaya Sionskogo»
03:25:35 Mikhail Butyrskij (State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow) «Tmutarakanskie srebrenikI» Mstislava Vladimirovicha
04:28:58 Viktor Chkhaidze (Institute of Archaeology of the RAS) Instituty vlasti v Matarkhe-Tmutarakani poslednej treti XI v.
05:02:38 Anna Adashinskaya (Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS) Sakralnyj pejzazh monastyrej na periferiyakh vizantijskogo mira: obrazy pustyni v Panagii Sumeliotisse, Kievo-Pecherskoj Lavre i Ivanovo
«Vspomogatelnye istoricheskie distsipliny v sovremennom nauchnom znanii», XXXIII International scientific conference, IWH RAS – RSUH, March 25-26, 2021 (Ru)
«V cherte prava. Territorialnye granitsy prava v Srednie veka i rannee Novoe vremya», Scientific conference, October 28, 2020, IWH RAS
Conference playlist, 11 videos
«Gorodskie soobshchestva v srednevekovoj Zapadnoj Evrope i za ee predelami», Scientific conference, IWH RAS, October 26, 2020
Conference playlist, 19 videos
”To the 200th anniversary of the birth of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences”. Meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on October 26, 2021

Bagno Vsevolod Yevgen'yevich (Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskiy Dom), RAS), Tarasova Natal'ya Aleksandrovna (Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskiy Dom), RAS) Vtoroye akademicheskoye sobraniye sochineniy F.M. Dostoyevskogo v Pushkinskom dome (k 200-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya pisatelya)

Polonskiy Vadim Vladimirovich (A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the RAS) Dostoyevskiy v otrazhenii Zapada

Volgin Igor' Leonidovich (Lomonosov Moscow State University) Dostoyevskiy v natsional'nom soznanii
«Znaki zhenstvennosti i muzhestvennosti v evropejskoj i russkoj kulture Novogo vremeni». Scientific conference, IWH RAS, October 10, 2016. Conference playlist, 3 videos
«Izobrazhenie i tekst v srednevekovykh rukopisyakh: strategii vzaimodejstviya». Scientific conference, IWH RAS, October 14, 2020. Conference playlist, 9 videos
Sidorov Aleksandr Ivanovich (IWH RAS) Sposoby vzaimodejstviya izobrazheniya i teksta v karolingskikh illyuminirovannykh rukopisyakh

Oretskaya Irina Anatolevna (State Institute for Art Studies) Sootnoshenie izobrazhenij i teksta v grecheskikh rukopisyakh IX veka

Vinogradov Andrej Yurevich (HSE University) Bogoroditsa-Zastupnitsa v vizantijskikh rukopisyakh: obraz, tekst i kontekst

Pozhidaeva Anna Vladimirovna (HSE University) Personifikatsii Dnej Tvoreniya v zapadnoevropejskom iskusstve XI-XIII vekov

Antonov Dmitrij Igorevich (RSUH) Vizualizatsiya nevidimogo i geometriya obraza v russkoj litsevoj rukopisi

Majzuls Mikhail Romanovich (RSUH) Obman, prevrashcheniya i illyuzii: ot teksta k izobrazheniyu i obratno

Mereminskij Stanislav Grigorevich (IWH RAS) Izobrazhenie i tekst v istoricheskikh trudakh Ralfa Ditseto

Togoeva Olga Igorevna (IWH RAS) Miniatyury pravovogo soderzhaniya vo frantsuzskikh khronikakh XIV-XV vv.: mezhdu illyustratsiej i tekstom

Diskussiya i itogi konferentsii «Izobrazhenie i tekst v srednevekovykh rukopisyakh», IWH RAS
“Islamic identity of medieval Europe?” Round table within the framework of a series of scientific meetings “Khristianstvo v istorii Yevropy Srednikh vekov i Novogo vremeni” (Le fait religieux dans l’histoire de l’Europe), HSE Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University, April 26, 2022 (in Russian)
«Istoriya i Mif». Round table. Open academic discussion. IWH RAS, September 18, 2017
Round table playlist, 3 videos
«Istoriya: perevodit, ponimat, otsenivat (K yubileyu M.A. Yusima)». Scientific conference, IWH RAS, September 9–10, 2020. Conference playlist, 7 videos (Ru)
of Education and Science “ISTORIYA”” (“History”), IWH RAS, May 17, 2023 (Ru)
«Istochnikovedenie v sovremennoj medievistike», All-Russian scientific conference with international participation, June 28-29, 2021, IWH RAS
Likhachevy. Zhizn' kak sluzheniye”, All-Russian Scientific Conference, November 9–11, 2022, Kazan’, Saint Petersburg (Ru)
“Linguistic situation and language policy in Russia and the world”. Scientific session of the General Meeting of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences March 28, 2018
Channel ОИФН РАН.
Playlist. URL:

Golovko Yevgeniy Vasil'yevich (Institute for Linguistic Studies of the RAS) Yazykovoye raznoobraziye, diskurs ob ischezayushchikh yazykakh i yazykovaya politika
URL: (within the session)

Kukanova Viktoriya Vasil'yevna (Kalmyk Institute for Humanities Research (Kalmyk Scientific Center) of the RAS) Kalmytskiy yazyk: sovremennoye sostoyaniye, problemy i perspektivy
URL: (within the session)
URL: within the session)

Stepanov Valeriy Vladimirovich (N.N. Miklukho-Maclay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the RAS) Yazykovyye kategorii v perepisyakh naseleniya
URL: (within the session)

Vakhtin Nikolay Borisovich (European University at St. Petersburg) Malyye yazyki Rossii: problemy sokhraneniya i revitalizatsii
URL: (within the session)

Koshkareva Natal'ya Borisovna (Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the RAS) Yazykovaya situatsiya u korennykh malochislennykh narodov Sibiri
URL: (within the session)

Magomedov Magomed Ibragimovich (Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after Gamzat Tsadasa of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the RAS) Yazykovaya situatsiya v Respublike Dagestan na sovremennom etape
URL: (within the session)

Alpatov Vladimir Mikhaylovich (Institute of Linguistics of the RAS) Yazykovaya politika v sovremennom mire
URL: (within the session)

Bitkeyeva Aysa Nikolayevna (Institute of Linguistics of the RAS) Dinamika, realizatsiya i perspektivy razvitiya yazykovoy situatsii i yazykovoy politiki v RF
URL: (within the session)
URL: (within the session)

Tishkov Valery Alexandrovich (Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician-Secretary of the Institute of Physics of Physics, N.N. Miklukho-Maclay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the RAS) Introductory speech. Report at the Scientific Session of the General Meeting of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Language situation and language policy in Russia and the world.” March 28, 2018
URL: (within the session)
«Monasticism throughout History / Monashestvo v istorii. Aktual'nyye problemy i novyye metody v issledovaniyakh». Second International scientific conference, February 6, 2018, Moscow Ivanovsky Monastery (St John the Baptist Convent).
Channel История монашества (Monasticism throughout History)
Bibikov Mikhail Vadimovich (IWH RAS) Zhitiya prepodobnogo Antoniya Pecherskogo v grecheskoy traditsii

Van'kova Anna Borisovna (IWH RAS) Vizantiyskoye zakonodatel'stvo i tipiki o vybore igumena

Vinogradov Andrey Yur'yevich (HSE University, Moscow) Monastyr' ili kelliya? K voprosu o statuse peshchernykh obiteley v Gornom Krymu

Davidenko Dmitriy Grigor'yevich (Moscow Ivanovsky Monastery) Dokumenty o vozobnovlenii inocheskoy zhizni v Moskovskom Ivanovskom monastyre vo vtoroy polovine XÍX veka v sobranii TSGA Moskvy

hieromonk Dalmat (Yudin) (Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, Moscow Theological Academy) Vklad svyatitelya Kirilla Turovskogo v formirovaniye china keleynykh vechernikh molitv

hegumen Dionisiy (Shlenov) (Moscow Theological Academy) Termin «udaleniye» (ἀναχώρησις / anachṓrēsis) v grecheskoy khristianskoy literature i yego znacheniye dlya monasheskoy traditsii

Zabolotnyy Yevgeniy Anatol'yevich (Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Thikhon’s Orthodox University, «Pravoslavnaya entsiklopediya») Siriyskoye monashestvo i «nestorianizatsiya» Tserkvi Vostoka

deacon Aleksandr Zanemonets (cleric of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher of the Jerusalem Patriarchate, Universiry of Haifa) Russkoye monashestvo na Svyatoy Zemle

Korolev Aleksandr Andreyevich (IWH RAS) Svyatitel' Grigoriy Dvoyeslov, Papa Rimskiy, i zhenskoye monashestvo v Rime

Kuz'mina Mariya Konstantinovna (Elizabethan Gymnasium) Prepodobnyye preyemniki svyatykh igumenov Drevney Rusi

Murav'yev Aleksey Vladimirovich (HSE University, Moscow; IWH RAS) Khristianskiye monakhi i monashestvo v istoriografii rannego islama i proroka Mukhammeda

Nikiforova Aleksandra Yur'yevna (Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russia Abroad) Monastyrskiy i kafedral'nyy chiny umoveniya nog v vizantiyskom bogosluzhenii

Red'kova Irina Sergeyevna (Lomonosov Moscow State University, St Thikhon’s Orthodox University) Obraz nastavnika i uchitelya v latinskoy traditsii rannego i vysokogo Srednevekov'ya

Rodionov Oleg Alekseyevich (IWH RAS, St Thikhon’s Orthodox University) Ucheniye prepodobnogo Kallista Angelikuda o monasheskom poslushanii

Sivertsev Aleksey Mikhaylovich (DePaul University, Chicago) Skrytyye messii i skrytyye svyatyye v iudeyskoy i khristianskoy literature pozdney antichnosti
Paleoslavisticheskiye chteniya – 5”, International Scientific Conference, April 24–26, 2023, Institute of Slavic Studies of the RAS (Ru)
«Negativnyj chuvstvennyj opyt i konstruirovanie sotsialnogo v istorii», Round table. IWH RAS, June
4, 2018. Round table playlist, 2 videos
“Pandemics and epidemics in world history”. Seminar "Humanitarian Readings" of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Meeting April 28, 2022

Kazanskiy Nikolay Nikolayevich (Institute for Linguistic Studies of the RAS) Pandemii i epidemii v mirovoy istorii. Vystupleniye na otkrytii Seminara Otdeleniya istoriko-filologicheskikh nauk RAN «Gumanitarnyye chteniya» 28 aprelya 2022 g.

Yemel'yanov Vladimir Vladimirovich (St. Petersburg State University) Epidemii i ikh predotvrashcheniye v shumero-akkadskikh klinopisnykh tekstakh. Doklad na zasedanii Seminara Otdeleniya istoriko-filologicheskikh nauk RAN «Gumanitarnyye chteniya» 28 aprelya 2022 g.

Popova Irina Fedorovna (Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the RAS) Bor'ba s epidemiyami v Kitaye. Doklad na zasedanii Seminara Otdeleniya istoriko-filologicheskikh nauk RAN «Gumanitarnyye chteniya» 28 aprelya 2022 g.

Petrov Yuriy Aleksandrovich (Institute of Russian History of the RAS) Epidemii v russkoy istorii. Doklad na zasedanii Seminara Otdeleniya istoriko-filologicheskikh nauk RAN «Gumanitarnyye chteniya» 28 aprelya 2022 g.

Uvarov Pavel Yur'yevich (Institute of World History of the RAS) Epidemii v Yevrope v XVI v. Doklad na zasedanii Seminara Otdeleniya istoriko-filologicheskikh nauk RAN «Gumanitarnyye chteniya» 28 aprelya 2022 g.
“Peter the Great and his place in the history and culture of Russia”. Scientific session of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Meeting March 31, 2022

Golovnev Andrey Vladimirovich (Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera) of the RAS) Petrovskaya Rossiya: severnoye izmereniye. Doklad na Nauchnoy sessii OIFN RAN «Petr Pervyy i yego mesto v istorii i kul'ture Rossii» 31 marta 2022 g.

Petrov Aleksandr Yur'yevich (Institute of World History of the RAS) Petrovskaya epokha i osvoyeniye severnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana. Doklad na Nauchnoy sessii OIFN RAN «Petr Pervyy i yego mesto v istorii i kul'ture Rossii» 31 marta 2022 g.

Ageyeva Ol'ga Geniyevna (Institute of Russian History of the RAS) Petr Pervyy i obrazovaniye Rossiyskoy imperii. Doklad na Nauchnoy sessii OIFN RAN «Petr Pervyy i yego mesto v istorii i kul'ture Rossii» 31 marta 2022 g.

Basargina Yekaterina Yur'yevna (St. Petersburg branch of the Archive of the RAS) Yevropeyskiye sovetniki Petra I po voprosam nauki. Doklad na Nauchnoy sessii OIFN RAN «Petr Pervyy i yego mesto v istorii i kul'ture Rossii» 31 marta 2022 g.

Bukharkin Petr Yevgen'yevich (St. Petersburg State University) Pis'ma Petra I kak bytovoy i literaturnyy fakt russkoy kul'tury

Vdovichenko Marina Viktorovna (Institute of Archaeology of the RAS) Russkaya arkhitektura nakanune petrovskikh preobrazovaniy

Lyustrov Mikhail Yur'yevich (A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the RAS) Severnaya voyna v russkoy literature petrovskoy epokhi: russkoshvedskiye literaturnyye paralleli

Zanin Sergey Viktorovich (Samara State Medical University) Obshchestvennaya mysl' Rossii ot Petra I do Yekateriny II: stepen' izuchennosti i novyye istochniki

Sirenov Aleksey Vladimirovich (St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS), Proskuryakova Mariya Yevgen'yevna (St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS), Dimitrov Denis Valer'yevich («Sberbank», Lomonosov Moscow State University) Avtografy Petra I: chteniye tekhnologiyami iskusstvennogo intellekta

Vorontsova Galina Nikolayevna (A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the RAS), Akimova Anna Sergeyevna (A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the RAS) Novoye izdaniye romana A.N. Tolstogo «Petr Pervyy»: problemy teksta i nauchnogo kommentariya
III Scientific Conference, February 5, 2019, Moscow Ivanovsky Monastery.
YouTube Channel История монашества (Monasticism throughout History)
Bibikov Mikhail Vadimovich (IWH RAS) Prepodobnyy Antoniy Pecherskiy v “Slavyanskom sbornike” afonskogo knizhnika Iakova Neaskitiota

hieromonk Panteleimon (Korolev) (Danilov Monastery, Moscow) Zagadka avvy Babaya v pis'me k svyashchenniku Kiriaku

Van'kova Anna Borisovna (IWH RAS) Monasheskoye poslushaniye igumenu po tipikonam sredne- i pozdnevizantiyskogo perioda. In 2 parts

Rodionov Oleg Alekseyevich (IWH RAS, St Thikhon’s Orthodox University) “Nerassuzhdayushcheye poslushaniye” v vizantiyskoy asketicheskoy traditsii X–XIV vekov

Zabolotnyy Yevgeniy Anatol'yevich (Lomonosov Moscow State University, St Thikhon's Orthodox University, «Pravoslavnaya entsiklopediya») Tserkov' Vostoka i obet bezbrachiya: IV–VI veka

Korolev Aleksandr Andreyevich (IWH RAS) Status kanonikov i monakhov v karolingskom tserkovnom zakonodatel'stve

hegumen Dionisiy (Shlenov) (Moscow Theological Academy) Ponyatiye sōphrosýnē v antichnosti i khristianstve
“Problems of studying and preserving the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation: the scientific foundations of the Concept of the state language policy”. Meeting of the Bureau of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences on February 24, 2021

Golovko Yevgeniy Vasil'yevich (Institute for Linguistic Studies of the RAS) YAzykovoye raznoobraziye i yazykovaya politika kak nauchnaya problema

Funk Dmitry Anatolyevich (N.N. Miklukho-Maclay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the RAS) Speech at the discussion of the report by E.V. Golovko

Alpatov Vladimir Mikhailovich (Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Linguistics of the RAS) Speech at the discussion of the report by E.V. Golovko

Kibrik Andrey Aleksandrovich (Institute of Linguistics of the RAS) Programma sokhraneniya yazykov Rossii i yazykovaya politika

Mullonen Irma Ivanovna (Institute of Linguistics, Literature and History of Karelian Research Centre of the RAS) O praktike sokhraneniya pribaltiysko-finskikh yazykov Rossii

Kazakevich Ol'ga Anatol'yevna (Institute of Linguistics of the RAS) O dokumentatsii malykh yazykov s ispol'zovaniyem sovremennykh internet-tekhnologiy
«Rus i Latinskaya Evropa v Srednie veka: kontakty, vliyaniya, konflikty. Novye issledovaniya», Colloquium. Centre for Medieval Studies. HSE University, Moscow. March 29-30, 2021. 5 видео
Colloquium "Rus i Latinskaya Evropa v Srednie veka". Zasedanie 29-go marta, chast 1

0:00 Mikhail Bojtsov (HSE University) Vstupitelnoe slovo
7:45 Dmitrij Dobrovolskij (HSE University); Mariya Lavrenchenko (A.V.Shusev State Museum of Architecture, Moscow) Drevnerusskaya antilatinskaya polemika:perspektivy interpretatsii
57:38 Hieronim Grala (University of Warsaw) Ten Tsargrada: sushchestvoval li vizantijskij kontekst russko-polskikh otnoshenij v XII–XIV vv.?
1:37:58 Stanislav Mereminskij (RANEPA) Korol Artur u granits «RussiI»: vzglyad iz Londona nachala XIII veka na Baltiku i severo-vostochnuyu Evropu
2:15:25 Aleksandr Lavrentev (HSE University) Kupechestvo vostochnobaltijskikh gorodov v politicheskikh planakh tsarya Borisa Godunova
2:56:00 Andrej Doronin (DAAD Moskau) Moskoviya v intellektualnom diskurse Tsentralnoj Evropy na rubezhe XV – XVI vv.
3:37:33 Diskussiya
Colloquium "Rus i Latinskaya Evropa v Srednie veka". Zasedanie 29-go marta, chast 2

0:00 Yuliya Zvezdina (St Tikhons Orthodox University; Mowcos Kremlin Museums) Relefy khramov Vladimirskogo knyazhestva, Puatu i Apulii v XII – pervoj treti XIII veka
39:35 Anatolij Turilov (Institute of Slavic Studies of the RAS) K istorii rimskoj tematiki v pozdnesrednevekovoj novgorodskoj literature: «Skazanie o prinesenii ruki Aleksiya cheloveka Bozhiya»
1:14:46 Andrej Gamlitskij (The Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow) Zapadnye gravirovannye obraztsy russkogo iskusstva pozdnego srednevekovya: novye otkrytiya, novyj vzglyad
1:56:40 Marat Astakhov (Great Russian Encyclopedia, Moscow) Evropejskie literaturnye pervoistochniki suzdalskoj ikony «Bogomater Ispanskaya» (1683–1686)
2:32:17 Itogovaya diskussiya I
Colloquium "Rus i Latinskaya Evropa v Srednie veka". Zasedanie 30-go marta, chast 1

0:00 Andrej Korenevskij (SFedU) Rimskie realii v «Povesti o novgorodskom belom klobuke»
38:46 Aleksandr Filyushkin (St Petersburg University) Modeli «transfera svyatykh»: Livoniya i Severo - Zapadnaya Rus
1:19:15 Konstantin Erusalimskij (RSUH) Renessansnyj gorod Suuest: gde prolegala granitsa mezhdu Moskoviej i Rusyu?
1:57:25 Diskussiya
Colloquium "Rus i Latinskaya Evropa v Srednie veka". Zasedanie 30-go marta, chast 2

0:00 Aleksej Martynyuk (National Institute for Higher Education, Minsk) Novgorod — Marienburg — Gyorlits — Akhen: rekonstruktsiya itinerariya XV veka na osnove narrativnykh, dokumentalnykh i vizualnykh istochnikov
37:57 Sergej Polekhov (RANEPA) «Propter varia signa incognoscibilia et multiplices caracteres paganicas»: dvuyazychnye dokumenty v praktike kommunikatsii Rusi so stranami latinskogo kulturnogo kruga v XIV – pervoj polovine XVI veka
1:21:13 Tatyana Matasova (MSU) Novye svidetelstva o moskovskikh posolstvakh v Italiyu v kontse XV v. i problemy ikh interpretatsii
2:03:32 Mikhail Bojtsov (HSE University) «Molodezhnye posolstva» ot Maksimiliana I k Vasiliyu III i obratno?
2:40:36 Discussion
Colloquium "Rus i Latinskaya Evropa v Srednie veka". Zasedanie 30-go marta, chast 3

0:00 Christian Raffensperger (Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH) Co-rule and Corporate Rule in Medieval Europe
38:45 Timur Shaipov (MSU) Opyt tipologicheskogo sopostavleniya idealov svyatosti Rusi i Italii: Na primere zhitij prep. Sergiya Radonezhskogo i sv. Frantsiska Assizskogo
1:08:35 Pavel Lukin (Institute of Russian History of the RAS) Respublikanskaya ritorika na Rusi v Srednie veka i Rannee Novoe vremya v evropejskom kontekste
2:01:37 Itogovaya diskussiya II
Samozvantsy i samozvanchestvo na Zapade i Vostoke Yevropy”, International Scientific Conference, April 24–25, 2023, IWH RAS (Ru)
“Sergej Averincev: un passeur tra le culture e i tempi della storia”
Il Convegno Internazionale, Roma, 2 e 3 dicembre 2021, Centro Russo di Scienza e Cultura di Roma, Accademia «Sapientia et Scientia» di Roma, Classe di Slavistica dell’Accademia Ambrosiana
Prima sessione: “Sergej Averincev e il suo contesto vitale”, Centro Russo di Scienza e Cultura di Roma, 2 dicembre 2021

Prof. Karpov Sergej P. (academician of the RAS, Università Statale di Mosca) Appunti sull’opera di S. Averincev

Prof. Solopov Aleksej I. (Università Statale di Mosca) S. Averincev e l’antichità

Prof. Bibikov Michail V. (Università Statale di Mosca, Istituto di storia mondiale dell'Accademia russa delle scienze) La Bisanzio di S. Averincev (Russo / Italiano)

Dr. Čakovskaja Lidija S. (Instituto Statale di Storia dell’Arte, Università Statale di Mosca) La scoperta della tarda antichità nell’operadi S. Averincev e P. Brown: dialogo di due studiosi

Prof. Adriano Roccucci (Università degli studi Roma Tre) Averincev e la cultura umanistica in Unione Sovietica tra anni ’60 e anni ’80
Seconda sessione: “L’attualità di S. Averincev”, Centro Russo di Scienza e Cultura di Roma, 3 dicembre 2021

Modera: Prof. Sergej P. Karpov (academician of the RAS, Lomonosov Moscow State University)

Dr. Kravec Sergej L. (La casa editrice “Grande enciclopedia russa”) S.S. Averincev nelle enciclopedie nazionali russe

Prof. Bernard Ardura, OPraem (Pontificio comitato di scienze storiche) Averincev e la Santa Sede

Prof. Francesco Braschi (Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milano) Il pensiero di S. Averincev alla luce della Fratelli Tutti

Prof. Dobrochotov Aleksandr L. (L'Università nazionale di ricerca “Scuola superiore di economia”, Mosca) S. Averincev come filosofo della cultura (Russo / Italiano)

Prof. Pietro Luca Azzaro (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano) Averincev e l’Europa

Prof. Adriano Dell’Asta (Università Cattolica di Milano) Averincev costruttore di ponti
«Sotsialnye kategorii i ikh interpretatsiya na yazyke metafor», Scientific conference, IWH RAS, April 26-27, 2021
Conference playlist, 18 videos
“USSR 1922-1991: Cultural transformations in the historical context”. The International Summer School of Young Historians of the CIS countries. Moscow, October 17–23, 2022. Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IWH RAS) with the support of the Intergovernmental Foundation for Educational, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation of the CIS (IFESCCO) and the International Public Fund “Russian Peace Fund”
Plenary session, 10/18/2022. Part 1 (Ru)
YouTube Channel ИВИ РАН
Opening of the summer school. Greetings.
31:10 Lecture: “Transformatsiya kul'turnoy sfery kyrgyzskogo obshchestva v sovetskuyu epokhu” Koichumanova Cholpon Urushbekovna (National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan)
1:12:35 Lecture: “Rasprostraneniye russkogo yazyka na territorii Respublik Sovetskogo Soyuza v 1920-ye gg.” Bakhturina Aleksandra Yurievna (Russian State University for the Humanities)
Questions: 1:50:10

Plenary session, 10/18/2022. Part 2 (Ru)
YouTube Channel ИВИ РАН
1:04:23 Lecture: “Religioznaya politika v SSSR” [Religious policy in the USSR] Beglov Aleksey L'vovich (Institute of World History, RAS)
Questions 1:04:24
1:33:24 Lecture: «Nepochtovyye marki, pochtovyye otkrytki i kul'turnyye transformatsii v RSFSR/SSSR (zametki mediyevista)» [Non-postage stamps, postcards and cultural transformations in the RSFSR/USSR (notes of a medievalist)] Uvarov Pavel Yur'yevich (Institute of World History, RAS)
Questions 2:21:05
«Chuvstvennaya dezorientatsiya. Chelovek v sotsiume rannego Novogo vremeni», Scientific conference, IWH RAS, June 7, 2021
Conference playlist, 3 videos
“Yuridicheskiye pamyatniki V–XVII vv.: avtoritetnyye teksty” [Legal texts of the 5th – 17th centuries: authoritative texts]. Scientific conference, October 12, 2022, Moscow, Institute of World History, RAS
«Ethics in the culture of the Renaissance. In memory of Lidia Mikhailovna Bragina». International scientific conference, November 23–24, 2021. Department of the History of the Middle Ages and the Department of General History of Arts of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, the Department of Medieval and Early Modern Studies of the Institute of World History of the RAS and the Commission for the Culture of the Renaissance of the Scientific Council of the RAS "History of World Culture"