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Joseph M. Tronsky Memorial Annual International Conference «Indo-European Comparative Linguistics and Classical Philology»
Website of the XXIV conference June 22–24, 2020:
Website of the XXV conference June 21–23, 2021 (with links to videos of individual scientific reports):
Afinogenov Dmitry. Pejorative connotations of the ethnonym “Syrian” in some 9th century Byzantine literary works (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Alexeev Anatoly. The Greek βαπτισμός and its Slavonic and Russian equivalent krъštenie (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Antonets Ekaterina V. The structure of the period in Cicero’s Aratea (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Belikov Grigory. Compositional technique of Maximus of Tyre (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Bogdanov Ivan. The modal construction m-SAw ‘the one who is destined’ on the Israel Stele, 25–26 and the features of its use in the Neo-Egyptian (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Bondar Larisa. One Montenegrin document from archive papers of P.A. Lavrov: about the ethnographic interests of the academician and the Montenegrin Vučković family (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Bondar Vladimir. From resultative to anterior: on the history of English past perfect tense (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Braginskaya Nina. How many co-martyrs did Perpetua and Felicity have? (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Bratukhin Alexander. Soteriological terminology of Clement of Alexandria (ἀνάπαυσις and κατάπαυσις) (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Braylovskaya Anastasia A. Dative athematic ending -ι in Homeric poems and in Ancient Greek dialects (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Braylovskaya Anastasia. Metric features of athematic dat. sg. inflection in Homeric text (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Chernoglazov Dmitry A. «O muses, mourn for the golden-tongued!»: some notes on Constantine Manasses’ «Monody on the death of the goldfinch» (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Chernysheva V.A. Use of terms dualis and communis in Cledonius and Sergius (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Danilov Evgeny. Use of securitas in Latin epigraphic finds from Roman Africa: general observations (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Davydov Tycho. Ancient Greek words violating the word end rule (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Dürrschnabel Chaja V. (University of Bern) Greek and Latin defixiones and Prayers for Justice within the context of Mediterranean Ritual Texts (in English)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Duvakin E.N. Wind knots and stone roots: a steppe influence on North European folklore (in Russian)
Канал Tronsky Conference 2020
Egorov Ιgor Μ., Kazansky Nikolay N., Kisilier Maksim L. Latin-Russian corpus (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Egorova Sofia. Horace as vigneron (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Еvdokimova Аlexandra. Accentuation systems of Byzantine times: sphragides from the Dumbarton Oaks collection ( (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Falileyev Alexander. In provincia Russlond: fragments on Novgorod in a XV c. manuscript (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Iliadi Alexander. Iranian Relicts in the Slovak Historical Toponymy — III (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Ivoška Darius (Vilnius, Institut für litauische Sprache) Russische Personennamen in den finanziellen Dokumenten des Deutschen Ordens (in Deutsch)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Jackson Tatiana N. On the Old Norse place-name Haraldseið ‘Harald’s Isthmus’ (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Kareva Natalia and Kuznetsova Natalia. Poetic and grammatical figures in “Materials for Russian Grammar” by Mikhail Lomonosov (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Karlova Ksenia. Seth as serpent fighter and St. George: continuity of the iconographic type (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Kazanskaya Maria N. Βαθύπεπλος Ἑλένη and συρίζουσα… λόγχη: on two ‘Homeric’ quotations in Servius (ad Aen. 7, 275 and 12, 691) (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Kharlamova Sofia. On a Homeric quotation (Il. XXIV, 527–528) in Plutarch’s «De audiendis poetis» (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Khorkova Irina. On the source base of “Adversus nationes”: Valerius Antias (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Kisilier Maxim. Ότι, που and πως in Standard Modern Greek (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Kocharov Petr. PIE *kieu-e/o- ‘move’ as a lexico-morphological isogloss (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Konior Daria. Perception of borders and local vernaculars by Western Bulgarian Torlak people (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Lebedev Andrey. A study of conceptual metaphor in Heraclitus: metaphorical codes and models of the cosmos (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Lemeškin Ilya. (Re)construction vs. reading of an ancient Prussian text (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Lyutikova Ekaterina A., Sideltsev Andrey V. Bracketing paradoxes at clausal boundaries in Hittite (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Lyutikova Ekaterina, Sideltsev Andrey. Voice alternations in Hittite non-finite verbal forms (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Mezheritskaya Svetlana I. “Κακοδαιμóνες σοφισταί”? Self-presentation of sophists in the Roman world (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Mihaylova Biliana (Университет св. Климента Охридского, София) L’expression de l’amour dans les langues indo-européennes anciennes (in French)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Mikhailova Tatiana. The use of 2 Sg. in Irish marginal lyrics: an interpretation (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Mirolyubov Ivan A. Vita Saturnini: Commentary on a fictional biography (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Mirolyubov Ivan. Was Emperor Licinius Hostile to Education? (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Molina Maria. Topic and word order in the Hittite phrase (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Molkov Georgy. On the causes for the emergence of the common graphic system in the Old Russian writing (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Musbakhova V. T. Two traditions of Amazonomachy in Plutarch (Thes. 27). Preliminary observations (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Naiditsch Larisa. ‚Haus‘ und ‚Hof‘ in den deutschen Inselmundarten der Ukraine in den 1920er Jahren nach dem Archiv von Viktor Schirmunski (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Nikolsky Boris M. Peace, Sex, and Grapes: interpreting a stasimon from Aristophanes' Acharnians 988-999 (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Osipova Olga V. Dionysius of Halicarnassus on the presentation of the earliest history (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Podossinov Alexandr. Alter orbis terrarum: «other worlds» in ancient geography (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Popova Inna D. Development of polysemy in the verbs of movement (Lat. ambire) (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Popova Inna. Means of denomination of a rhetorical period in Latin: ambitus and circu(m)itus (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Prikhodko Elena V. «Pydnae» of Stadiasmus and «Cydna» of Ptolemy: if there are any grounds for identification?
(in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Rozhdestvenskaia Tatiana. Some problems of paleographic dating of epigraphy searches of Old Rus’ epigraphy (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Rozhdestvenskaya Tatiana V. Towards the Problem of Literacy of the XI–XIV Centuries in Old Russian Churches: the Sacred and the Profane (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Safronov Alexander. The history of the «Marshland Wadjet» and the problem of Iranian anthroponyms in the Satrap stela (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Sharikhina Milyausha G. Formation of the tradition of using forms izhe, yazhe, ezhe in place of the Greek article in Church Slavonic liturgical literature (based on the Books of Needs of the 13th-17th centuries) (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Shatskov Andrey. Resultative and perfect in Hittite (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Shumilin Mikhail. Linguistic Peculiarities in the Passio Susannae (BHL 7937). Phonology and Orthography (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Sorokina Elena. A note on the graphic variability of Old English gedryht / gedriht (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Vasileva Irina, Kisilier Maxim. Where does Odysseus sail to? About a mythmaking project of Nikos Kazantzakis (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Vorobyev Grigory. Theodore Gaza’s neologisms in -cilla/-cula and the role of sixteenth-century reference books in the formation of ornithological nomenclature (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Yanzina Evelina, Korneev Oleg. Στεφανοῦσθαι, ἡττᾶσθαι, ἱερὸν ποιεῖν. To win a contest or to lose? Some features of the attitude of ancient Greeks towards athletic victories and defeats (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Zeltchenko Vsevolod V. "All are at home": Sapph. fr. 104a Voigt and Theocritus (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020
Zheltov Alexander, Zheltova Elena. Why the language saves on the case forms, or about the order of cases in Latin (in Russian)
Channel Tronsky Conference 2020