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Abuzina Svetlana S. (National Library of Russia, Dep. of Manuscripts) Half uncial in the manuscripts of the National Library of Russia (in English)

Augustus (qui et Agosto) Maurus (ex Vniuersitate Pontificia Laterana) De litteris ad historiam iuris canonici pertinentibus 1:55:42

Antonets Catharina (ex Academia Moscouiensi) De Ciceronis periodo poetica 2:33:05

Ardura Bernard, OPraem (Pontificio comitato di scienze storiche) Averincev e la Santa Sede

Azzaro Pietro Luca (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano) Averincev e l’Europa

Beglov Alexiey, Fadeyev Ivan (Istituto di Storia Mondiale dell’Accademia Russa delle Scienze) La svolta nella politica sovietica religiosa negli Anni Quaranta nella corrispondenza dei rappresentanti del Vaticano in Russia
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Bäbler Balbina (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) Herodot im Land der Skythen. Vortrag an der Moskauer Universität den 19. April 2013 (De / Ru)

Haliaeetus (qui et Belikov) Alexius (ex Academia Moscouiensi) Ora sono discordia 31:52

Albanus (qui et Belov) Alexius (ex Academia Moscouiensi) De duabus infinitiui speciebus apud Graecos 1:21:26

Bibikov Michail V. (Università Statale di Mosca, Istituto di storia mondiale dell'Accademia russa delle scienze) La Bisanzio di S. Averincev (Russo / Italiano)

Braschi Francesco (Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milano) Il pensiero di S. Averincev alla luce della Fratelli Tutti

Brun Sergei P. (Research Fellow at the Moscow Kremlin Museums, editorial board member of "The Historical Reporter", author of "The Byzantines and the Franks in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia") Two Centuries of Silence: Reconstructing the History of Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch in the Absence of Melkite Narrative Sources
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Brunet Serge (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3) Discipliner les rustres? Pour une approche comparée des consistoires calvinistes et des confréries du Saint Sacrement dans la France du XVIIe siècle

Бубало Ђорђе (ванредни профессор, Одељење за историју, Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Београду) Време Душановог законика (экспертное интервью, 23 августа 2014 г., Београд, Сербиjа) / Bubalo Đorđe (Associate Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade) Time of Dushan’s Zakonik (Expert interview, 23 August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia). Expert System “Byzantine Law and Acts” (in Serbian with Russian subtitles)
Канал Yury Vin

Chenaux Philippe (Pontificia Università Lateranense – Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche) Il rifiuto della crociata. Pio XII, il comunismo e la Russia sovietica (1939–1945)
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Chrissidis Nikolaos (Southern Connecticut State University) Heavenly Chancelleries and Administrative (and Other) Entrepreneurs: Women From the Russian Empire in Jerusalem in the 19th – Early 20th Centuries
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Classen Albrecht (The University of Arizona) The Paradox of the Medieval World: Xenophobia, Anti-Judaism, and Toleration. The Cacophony in the Past and the Clash of Discourses

Coates Richard (University of the West of England, Bristol) Place-names in Roman Britain
The lecture took place on September 18, 2019 at Lomonosov Moscow State University (Department of Classics, Faculty of Philology)

Cornett Natalie (Brandeis University, McGill University) Khristianskaya lyubov' i trud vo slavu Bozhiyu: issledovaniye religioznykh aspektov pol'skogo zhenskogo dvizheniya 1830–1863 godov (English, Russian)
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Dana Madalina (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, ANHIMA Paris) The Greek letters on lead and ostrakon from the northern Black Sea: a contribution to the social and economic history of the region

Dauidianus Tycho (ex Academia Moscouiensi) Quomodo aspirationis atque consonantium aspiratarum Graecarum pronuntiatus uarie praeceptus sit 1:05:07

Δαυιδιανοῦ Τύχωνος (ex Academia Moscouiensi) Περὶ τῶν Δημητρίου Ἀθηνογενιανοῦ ποιημάτων τῶν Ἑλληνιστὶ γεγραμμένων 1:32:18

Dell’Asta Adriano (Università Cattolica di Milano) Averincev costruttore di ponti

Dmitriev Michail Vladimirovich (HSE Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University) Sozialdisziplinierung: “confessionnalité latine” au coeur de la discipline sociale? L’expérience polonaise et française du XVIIème siècle (Конфессиональная специфика «латинского» христианства как сердцевина социального дисциплинирования? Опыт Польши и Франции в XVII в.) (in French and Russian)

Dobrochotov Aleksandr L. (L'Università nazionale di ricerca “Scuola superiore di economia”, Mosca) S. Averincev come filosofo della cultura (Russo / Italiano)

Dommarco Maria Chiara, Un compito eccezionale e rischioso. Il governo bolscevico e la missione della Santa Sede al tempo della carestia degli anni Venti (Mosca, Seriate, 2020). Book presentation
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Dürrschnabel Chaja V. (University of Bern) Greek and Latin defixiones and Prayers for Justice within the context of Mediterranean Ritual Texts

Freeze Gregory (Brandeis University, Waltham, USA), Tokareva Eugenia (Istituto di Storia Mondiale dell’Accademia Russa delle Scienze), Zhdanova Ekaterina (Università statale Lomonosov di Mosca) I principali orientamenti della storiografia della posizione vaticana nella Seconda Guerra mondiale
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Ganina Natalia A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University) Von der Paläographie zur Geschichte: die Aufzeichnungen eines Lübecker Unbekannten über Ereignisse von 1316-1320 (Fragm. 2 im Bardewikschen Codex) (in German)

Gimadeieuius Elias (ex Academia Moscouiensi) Quomodo domicilium et quae ad id pertinent apud Horatium describantur 51:00

Grignani Mario (Pontificia Università Urbaniana) Le Relazioni sullo stato delle Nazioni nel 1939 presentato al nuovo papa Pio XII. Questioni aperte
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Hrabovec Emilia (Università «Comenius» di Bratislava – Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche) La Santa Sede, il governo in esilio di Edvard Beneš e il rinnovamento della Cecoslovacchia nel contesto della formazione del blocco sovietico nell’Europa centroorientale
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Илиева Татяна (Кирило-Методиевския научен център, Българска академия на науките, София) Наблюдения върху превода на литургийното тълкувание в съдържанието на MSS РГАДА 88 И БОГИШИЧ 52. Членуваните номинални конструкции в гръцкия оригинал и членоподобното иже в южнославянското епитоме на „Ἑρμηνεία περὶ τοῦ θείου ναοῦ“ от Симеон Солунски
Канал ИнСлав

Ianzina Eua (ex Academia Moscouiensi), Cornelius Helgus (qui et Kornejev) (ex Academia Paedagogica Vrbana Moscouiensi) De uocabulis palaestricis ad pancratium pertinentibus 16:47

Ianzina Eua (ex Academia Moscouiensi), Cornelius Helgus (qui et Kornejev) (ex Academia Paedagogica Vrbana Moscouiensi) Περὶ τῶν παρὰ Πολυδεύκει ἀγωνιστικῶν ὀνομάτων (Ὀνομαστικοῦ γ’ 149–150, 155) 5:06:47 (in ancient Greek)

Ickx Johan (Archivio Storico della IIa Sezione-Rapporti con gli Stati della Segreteria di Stato) Spia o informatore? Il caso di Mons. Antonio Kwiatkowski
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Iltis, Ana Lucia Smith (Ана С. Илтис) (Center for Bioethics, Health and Society) The Role of Theology in the History of 20th Century Bioethics in the USA / «После Бога». Теология в истории биоэтики ХХ века в США (English, Russian)
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Ivoška Darius (Vilnius, Institut für litauische Sprache) Russische Personennamen in den finanziellen Dokumenten des Deutschen Ordens

Kazbekova Elena V. (Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) Die neugefundene Abschrift der “Compilatio I” von Bernardus von Pavia im Russischen Staatsarchiv Alter Akten (RGADA, Moskau) (in German)

Khismatulin Alexey A. (PhD, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS, St. Petersburg) Identification of Authorship Using Digital Stylometry on the Example of an Anonymous Medieval Qasida 4:46 (in English)
YouTube Channel ИВИ РАН Medii aevi

Kravec Sergej L. (La casa editrice “Grande enciclopedia russa”) S.S. Averincev nelle enciclopedie nazionali russe

Kuznetsov Alexey Valerjevich (IWH RAS) Expert interview of A. Kuznetsov “Anсient monarchy title” (23 May 2013). Expert System “Byzantine Law and Acts” (in Russian with English subtitles)
Канал Yury Vin

Langlsow David (The University of Manchester) Znacheniye metaforicheskogo yazyka dlya leksikografii i sotsiokul'turnoy istorii na primere latinskoy meditsinskoy terminologii imperatorskoy epokhi. March 13, 2019 (Ru, En)

Materova Elisabeta (ex Academia Orthodoxa Tychoniana) Antiquitatis classicae traditio in Alcuini elegia «Ad cellam meam» 1:32:48

Матовић Тамара (МА, истраживач сарадник у Византолошком институту САНУ; докторанд Правног факултета Универзитета у Београду) О различитом правном значају документа у византијском приватном праву (экспертное интервью, 25. август 2016 г., Београд, Сербиjа) / Matović Tamara (LL.M., Research assistant at Institute for Byzantine Studies SASA; PhD Candidate at Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade) Concerning diverse legal significance of a document in Byzantine Private Law (Expert interview, 25 August 2016 , Belgrade, Serbia). Expert System “Byzantine Law and Acts” (in Serbian)
Канал Yury Vin

Mazhuga Vladimir Iv (St. PetersburgСПбИИ РАН) On the technique and style of Latin writing in the 8th–13th centuries (in French)

Nationwide Scientific Conference "Medieval and Early Modern Studies in Russia", June 27-29, 2022, Institute of World History, RAS. Workshop "Medieval Authorship Studies Through Digital Stylometry" (organizer - Svetlana A. Yatsyk, Centre for Medieval Studies, HSE University, Moscow), June 28, 2022.
YouTube Channel ИВИ РАН Medii aevi
0:00 Svetlana A. Yatsyk (HSE University, Moscow) Introduction (in English)
4:46 Alexey A. Khismatulin (PhD, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS, St. Petersburg) Identification of Authorship Using Digital Stylometry on the Example of an Anonymous Medieval Qasida (in English)
28:55 Questions
31:44 and 1:38:44 (technical details of the code) Marguerite-Marie Vernet (Doctorant contractuel, Section des Sciences Religieuses, École pratique des hautes études, Paris) Attribution of the Latin Sermons (12–13 cc.): Between Manuscripts, Texts and Statistics (Ru, translation by Svetlana Yatsyk)
1:14:40 Questions

Mihaylova Biliana (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski") L’expression de l’amour dans les langues indo-européennes anciennes

Mitsiou Ekaterini (University of Vienna) The Acts of Constantinople Patriarchal register (Expert Interview, 24 August 2016, Belgrade, Serbia). Expert System “Byzantine Law and Acts”
Канал Yury Vin

Mitsiou Ekaterini (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) Prosopography, GIS and networks of the 13th century: New tools and methods

Năstăsoiu Dragoș-Gheorghe (HSE University, Moscow) St. Ladislas' Cult, Symbolic Actions, and Heraldic Devices as Tools of Anti-royal Propaganda

Nesselrath Heinz-Günther (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) Autopsie oder Fiktion? Herodot und sein Sehen. Vortrag an der Moskauer Universität den 19. April 2013 (De / Ru)

"La politica della Santa Sede nella seconda guerra mondiale". Il Colloquio Internazionale, 20 ottobre 2021, il Centro per lo studio della storia della religione e della Chiesa dell'Istituto di storia mondiale dell'Accademia Russa delle scienze, insieme alla Società Storica Russa e al Pontificio comitato di scienze storiche.
Saluti. Accademico Alexander Chubarian (Direttore Scientifico dell’Istituto di Storia Mondiale, Accademia Russa delle Scienze), Bernard Ardura (Presidente del Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche)
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Portnykh Valentin L. (Novosibirsk State University) German Manuscripts transported to the USSR: when why and how could they become a private property? (in German)

Quack Joachim Friedrich (Universität Heidelberg) Where once was love, love is no more’? What happens to expressions of love in Late Egypt?

Raffensperger Christian (Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH) Co-rule and Corporate Rule in Medieval Europe 0:00

Roccucci Adriano (Università degli studi Roma Tre) Averincev e la cultura umanistica in Unione Sovietica tra anni ’60 e anni ’80

Roelli Philipp Otto (Universität Zürich) The role of the Beneventan script in the transmission of the Libri Aurelii and related medical texts (in English)

Шаркић Срђан (професор, Правни факултет, Универзитет У Новом Саду) Елементи уставности у средњовековном српском праву (експертски интервју, 24 августа 2014 г., Нови Сад, Србија) / Šarkić Srđan (Professor, Faculty of law , University of Novi Sad) Сonstitutional Elements in Medieval Serbian Law (Expert interview, 24 August 2014 , Novi Sad, Serbia) / Шаркич Срджан (профессор, юридический факультет, Университет в Новом Саду) Конституционные элементы в средневековом сербском праве (экспертное интервью, 24 августа 2014 г., Нови Сад, Сербия). Expert System “Byzantine Law and Acts” (in Serbian with Russian subtitles)
Канал Yury Vin

Шаркић Срђан (професор, Правни факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду) Тестамент у римском, византиjском и средњовековном српском праву / Šarkić Srđan (Professor, Faculty of law , University of Novi Sad) Testament in Roman, Byzantine and Medieval Serbian Law (Expert interview, 24 August 2014 , Novi Sad, Serbia) / Шаркич Срджан (профессор, факультет права, Университет в Новом Саду) Завещание в римском, византийском и средневековом сербском праве (экспертное интервью, 24 августа 2014 г., Нови Сад, Сербия). Expert System “Byzantine Law and Acts” (in Serbian with Russian subtitles)
Канал Yury Vin

Шаркић Срђан (професор, Правни факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду) Утицај византиjског права на средњовековно српско право (експертски интервју, 24 августа 2014 г., Нови Сад, Србија) / Šarkić Srđan (Professor, Faculty of law, University of Novi Sad) Impact of Byzantine Law on Medieval Serbian Law (Expert interview, 24 August 2014 , Novi Sad, Serbia) / Шаркич Срджан (профессор, факультет права, Университет в Новом Саду) Влияние византийского права на средневековое сербское право (экспертное интервью, 24 августа 2014 г., Нови Сад, Сербия). Expert System “Byzantine Law and Acts” (in Serbian with Russian subtitles)
Канал Yury Vin

“Sergej Averincev: un passeur tra le culture e i tempi della storia”. Il Convegno Internazionale, Roma, 2 e 3 dicembre 2021. Prima sessione: “Sergej Averincev e il suo contesto vitale”, Centro Russo di Scienza e Cultura di Roma, 2 dicembre 2021

“Sergej Averincev: un passeur tra le culture e i tempi della storia”. Il Convegno Internazionale, Roma, 2 e 3 dicembre 2021. Seconda sessione: “L’attualità di S. Averincev”, Centro Russo di Scienza e Cultura di Roma, 3 dicembre 2021

Vestigiarius (qui et Slednikov) Alexius (ex Tabulario Georgiopolitano) De Viuae Latinitatis chrestomathia componenda 0:00

Smirnova Irina (St. Petersburg State University) New documents on the history of the veneration of the famouse Ruissan medieval Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky (in English)

Solopov Aleksej I. (Università Statale di Mosca) S. Averincev e l’antichità

Scatebranus Rutenus Alexius (qui et Solopov) (ex Academia Moscouiensi) De sermone Latino iuris consultorum saecc. a II ad VI p. Chr. n., quatenus ex Codice Iustiniano elucet, cum Latinitate optimorum scriptorum comparato adnotationes 2:57:10

Scatebranus Rutenus Alexius (qui et Solopov) (ex Academia Moscouiensi) De urbium oppidorumque nominibus, quae a substantiuis alias res significantibus ducta sint, quoque modo in casus inclinentur, adnotatio, exemplo «Trium Tabernarum» 1:48:53

Tsakmakis Antonis (University of Cyprus) The Hellenica Oxyrhynchia: philological and historical problems

Tokareva Evgenia (Istituto di Storia Mondiale dell’Accademia Russa delle Scienze) I cappellani militari cattolici sul territorio russo
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Troncarelli Fabio (Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo) L’autographe de Boëce. Les livres interdits au VI siècle (in English)

Vin Yuri Y. (IWH RAS) Expert intreview of Yu. Vin “The Concept Imperium Nostrum” (27 May 2013). Expert System “Byzantine Law and Acts” (in Russian with English subtitles) (duration 1:34 min)
Канал Yury Vin

Vin Yuri Y. (IWH RAS) Expert intreview of Yu. Vin “The Concept Oikodespotes” (20 May 2013). Expert System “Byzantine Law and Acts” (in Russian with English subtitles)
Канал Yury Vin

Vin Yury (IWH RAS) Representation: Expert system “Byzantine Law and Acts” and Thesaurus of Concepts and Terms (18 October 2021). Expert System “Byzantine Law and Acts”
Канал Yury Vin

Vishivanuk Anna (Istituto di Storia Mondiale dell’Accademia Russa delle Scienze), Shebalin Dimitry (Istituto di Cultura e Lingua Russa di Roma) Lo stato dei Greco-cattolici nei territori occupati nel Sud della Russia
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Vovin Alexey A., Sredinskaya Natalya B. (Saint Petersburg Institute of History, RAS) Private Acts of North Italy and North-West Russia in 1200 – 1500: Current Results and Research Perspectives (presentation in English)

Winiger Fabian (University of Zürich) Of Covenants, Polarisers and Cosmopietists: Global Health and the Post-Secular Turn in the United Nations
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Zhdanova Ekaterina (Università statale Lomonosov di Mosca) L’aiuto del Vaticano ai prigionieri militari sovietici durante e dopo la Seconda Guerra mondiale
YouTube Channel ЦИРЦ ИВИ РАН

Čakovskaja Lidija S. (Instituto Statale di Storia dell’Arte, Università Statale di Mosca) La scoperta della tarda antichità nell’operadi S. Averincev e P. Brown: dialogo di due studiosi