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YouTube channels with scientific and educational videos

mentioned in the indices

Events SPBU (St. Petersburg State University)
Novgorod Museum (Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve)
vladmuseum (Vladimir-Suzdal Historical, Art and Architectural Museum-Reserve)
READ COOP SCE (Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents (READ))

Библиотека-Музей Дом Лосева (The Library of Russian Philosophy and Culture “The Losev House”)
ИнСлав (The Institute of Slavic Studies of the RAS)
Институт археологии РАН (Institute of Archaeology of the RAS)
Институт востоковедения РАН (Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS)
Институт российской истории РАН (Institute of Russian History of the RAS)
Исторический факультет МГУ (Faculty of History of the Lomonosov Moscow State University)
История монашества (Monasticism throughout History)
ИСТОРИЯ.РФ (, no English version)
Музей Ратной Истории Москвы (Museum of Military History of Moscow)
Петербургский исторический форум конференция (International conference “St Petersburg historical forum”)
"Философия зайца". Конференция (scientific conference "The Philosophy of the hare")

Institute of World History of the RAS, 2022-2023
E. Kazbekova, 2022-2023
➤ 119334, Moscow, Leninsky prospekt, 32а