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Thematic collections

Neural networks in philological and historical research (May 2022) (in Russian)
What are neural networks? How are these technologies used by philologists and historians? Can neural networks write poetry? How do neural networks help to recover lost fragments of miniatures and text of manuscripts? How do neural networks help transcribe the text of manuscripts and early printed books? What is the Transcribus platform and how do scientists from different countries use it?
Transcribus platform (
YouTube Channel READ COOP SCE (Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents (READ))
Orekhov Boris Valer'yevich (HSE Moscow) Poeziya i neyronnyye seti (16.04.2018)

Ukhanova Yelena Vladimirovna (The State Historical Museum of Russia) Osnovnyye problemy v izuchenii pocherkov i knizhnogo proizvodstva v Drevney Rusi v XI–XIV vv. (20.05.2021)

Arkhipov Aleksandr Vladimirovich (Institute for Linguistic Studies of the RAS) Transkribus — sistema dlya obrabotki istoricheskikh dokumentov. Transkribirovaniye, raspoznavaniye rukopisnogo i pechatnogo teksta, poisk (08.07.2020)

Furman Yuliya Vladimirovna (HSE Moscow), Cherkashina Anna Sergeyevna (Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS) Siriyskiye moduli platformy Transkribus (23.02.2021)

Sirenov Aleksey Vladimirovich (St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS), Proskuryakova Mariya Yevgen'yevna (St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS), Dimitrov Denis Valer'yevich («Sberbank», Lomonosov Moscow State University) Avtografy Petra I: chteniye tekhnologiyami iskusstvennogo intellekta (tekst doklada na sayte RIO). Doklad na Nauchnoy sessii OIFN RAN «Petr Pervyy i yego mesto v istorii i kul'ture Rossii» 31 marta 2022 g.