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Leader: Yu. Vin
Developer: D. Kondratev
With collaboration: M. Drobyshev
Institute of World History of the RAS, 2021
Aurov Oleg Valentinovich (Candidate of historical sciences, Docent, Russian State University for the Humanities), Marey Alexander Vladimirovich (Candidate of juridical sciences, Docent, the Faculty of Philosophy, National research University «Higher School of Economics») Theodosiani Kodex (Expert interview, 10 July 2013 , Moscow) (in Russian)
Channel Yury Vin

Barabanov Nikolay D. (Volgograd State University) Expert intreview of N. Barabanov: “The folk beliefs in Byzantium” (18 May 2015, Volgograd) (in Russian)
Channel Yury Vin

Бубало Ђорђе (ванредни профессор, Одељење за историју, Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Београду) Време Душановог Законика (экспертное интервью, 23 августа 2014 г., Београд, Сербиjа) / Bubalo Đorđe (Associate Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade) Time of Dushan’s Zakonik (Expert interview, 23 August 2014 , Belgrade, Serbia) (in Serbian with Russian subtitles)
Channel Yury Vin

Vin Yuri Y. (IWH RAS) Expert interview of Yu.Vin “The Law demands the Order: The Concept “Law” by Materials of Expert System “Byzantine Law and Acts””. Part 1. (7 May 2016) (in Russian)
Channel Yury Vin

Vin Yuri Y. (IWH RAS) Expert interview of Yu.Vin “The Law demands the Order: The Concept “Law” by Materials of Expert System “Byzantine Law and Acts””. Part 2. (7 May 2016) (in Russian)
Channel Yury Vin

Vin Yuri Y. (IWH RAS) Expert intreview of Yu. Vin “The Concept Oikodespotes” (20 May 2013) (in Russian with English subtitles)
Channel Yury Vin

Vin Yuri Y. (IWH RAS) Expert interview of Yu. Vin “The Concept Imperium Nostrum” (27 May 2013) (in Russian with English subtitles) (duration 1:34 min)
Channel Yury Vin

Vin Yuri Y. (IWH RAS) Expert interview of Yu. Vin “The Notion “douleia” as the Sociocultural Concept of Byzantine Acts”. (22 July 2017) (in Russian)
Channel Yury Vin

Vin Yuri Y. (IWH RAS) Expert interview of Yu. Vin “The Reception and Transliteration of the Concepts and Terms of Byzantine Law: the cognitive Aspects of Systematization”. (10 August 2018) (in Russian)
Channel Yury Vin

Vin Yuri Y. (IWH RAS) Expert interview of Yu. Vin “Reception of Concepts and Terms of Byzantine Law by Mediaeval South Slavs and Russian State: Main Trends (till XIII c.). Part.1”. (23 August 2019) (in Russian)
Channel Yury Vin

Vin Yuri Y. (IWH RAS) Expert interview of Yu.Vin “Reception of Concepts and Terms of Byzantine Law by Mediaeval South Slavs and Russian State: Main Trends (till XIII c.). Part.2”. (30 August 2019) (in Russian)
Channel Yury Vin

Vin Yuri Y. (IWH RAS) Expert interview of Yu. Vin “Rusalies: the testimonies of Byzantine Tradition” (18 April 2014) (in Russian)
Channel Yury Vin

Vin Yury (IWH RAS) Representation: Expert system “Byzantine Law and Acts” and Thesaurus of Concepts and Terms (18 October 2021) (in English)
Channel Yury Vin

Denisov Sergey Aleksandrovich (Institute of Archeology, RAS) Expert intreview of S. Denisov: “Concept 'imperial power' in the works of Demetrius Chomatenos” (20 May 2013) (20 мая 2013) (in Russian with English subtitles) (duration 1:42 min)
Channel Yury Vin

Totomanova Anna-Maria Kostova (Prof., DSc, Department for Cyrill and Methodius' Studies, Faculty of Slavic Studies, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridsky”) Expert Interview: “The lexical borrowings (in Old Bulgarian Language)” (23 April 2019, Moscow) (in Russian)
Channel Yury Vin

Kuznetsov Alexey Valerjevich (IWH RAS) Expert interview of A. Kuznetsov “Anсient monarchy title” (23 May 2013) (in Russian with English subtitles)
Channel Yury Vin

Матовић Тамара (МА, истраживач сарадник у Византолошком институту САНУ; докторанд Правног факултета Универзитета у Београду) О различитом правном значају документа у византијском приватном праву (экспертное интервью, 25. август 2016 г., Београд, Сербиjа) / Matović Tamara (LL.M., Research assistant at Institute for Byzantine Studies SASA; PhD Candidate at Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade) Concerning diverse legal significance of a document in Byzantine Private Law (Expert interview, 25 August 2016 , Belgrade, Serbia) (in Serbian)
Channel Yury Vin

Medvedev Igor Pavlovich (St Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS) Expert intreview of I. Medvedev: “Nomos Georgikos” Part 1 (5 June 2013) (in Russian with English subtitles)
Channel Yury Vin
Part 2 (5 June 2013) (in Russian with English subtitles)
Supplement (5 June 2013) (in Russian with English subtitles)

Mitsiou Ekaterini (Dr. Phil. (Byzantine Studies), Team member of the financed through the Wittgenstein-Preis of the Austrian National Research Foundation (FWF) Project “Mobility, Microstructures and Personal Agency in Byzantium” at the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, University of Vienna) The Acts of Constantinople Patriarchal register (Expert Interview, 24 August 2016, Belgrade, Serbia)
Channel Yury Vin

Fonkitch Boris Lvovitch (IWH RAS) Expert interview of B. Fonkitch “Paleography of Greek Acts” (24 July 2013). Expert System "Byzantine Law and Acts" (in Russian with English subtitles)
Channel Yury Vin

Шаркић Срђан (професор, Правни факултет, Универзитет У Новом Саду) Елементи уставности у средњовековном српском праву (експертски интервју, 24 августа 2014 г., Нови Сад, Србија) / Šarkić Srđan (Professor, Faculty of law , University of Novi Sad) Сonstitutional Elements in Medieval Serbian Law (Expert interview, 24 August 2014 , Novi Sad, Serbia) (in Serbian with Russian subtitles)
Channel Yury Vin

Шаркић Срђан (професор, Правни факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду) Тестамент у римском, византиjском и средњовековном српском праву / Šarkić Srđan (Professor, Faculty of law , University of Novi Sad) Testament in Roman, Byzantine and Medieval Serbian Law (Expert interview, 24 August 2014 , Novi Sad, Serbia) (in Serbian with Russian subtitles)
Channel Yury Vin

Шаркић Срђан (професор, Правни факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду) Утицај византиjског права на средњовековно српско право (експертски интервју, 24 августа 2014 г., Нови Сад, Србија) / Šarkić Srđan (Professor, Faculty of law, University of Novi Sad) Impact of Byzantine Law on Medieval Serbian Law (Expert interview, 24 August 2014 , Novi Sad, Serbia) (in Serbian with Russian subtitles)
Channel Yury Vin
Institute of World History of the RAS, 2022-2023
E. Kazbekova, 2022-2023
➤ 119334, Moscow, Leninsky prospekt, 32а